Таблицы лидеров
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MainSelection: 2018

MainSelection: 2018
CategorySelection: Holdem 9 to 10 Players Regular

2018 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Regular - $101-$300 - Прибыль
Классификация Игрок Страна Сеть Прибыль
1 MinCashSpecialist WPN 2341.0
2 Verenhimoinen WPN 946.0
3 thejoker57 WPN 810.0
4 JoshuaBeckley WPN 687.0
5 Afterlyfe WPN 615.0
6 Ice Bank Mice Elf WPN 548.0
7 Opted-Out WPN 542.0
8 bbruins13 WPN 481.0
9 Mollymillionz WPN 439.0
10 mrpink209 WPN 343.0
11 thfp WPN 339.0
12 MarcusAurelius8 WPN 301.0
13 tams WPN 237.0
14 tedding WPN 170.0
15 Aethyr13 WPN 163.0
15 greenzipper WPN 163.0
15 Dempsdawg WPN 163.0
15 antandun WPN 163.0
15 emedplayer22 WPN 163.0
20 DeemstaSteam WPN 161.0

2018 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Regular - $101-$300 - Подсчет
Классификация Игрок Страна Сеть Подсчет
1 gcone593 WPN 176.0
2 Opted-Out WPN 166.0
3 thejoker57 WPN 86.0
4 MinCashSpecialist WPN 68.0
5 DeemstaSteam WPN 65.0
6 Ice Bank Mice Elf WPN 61.0
7 MarcusAurelius8 WPN 28.0
8 bbruins13 WPN 25.0
9 Afterlyfe WPN 17.0
10 TerryMcCann WPN 16.0
10 Opted-Out WPN 16.0
12 thfp WPN 12.0
13 Mollymillionz WPN 9.0
14 Verenhimoinen WPN 8.0
15 l3TTul3TTuc3 WPN 7.0
16 megalodon656 WPN 6.0
16 tedding WPN 6.0
18 MysticRiver5 WPN 4.0
18 BulgarianLegend WPN 4.0
18 Opted-Out WPN 4.0

2018 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Regular - $101-$300 - Лучшие 100 стриков
Классификация Игрок Страна Сеть Лучшие 100 стриков
1 Opted-Out WPN 2.55