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MainSelection: 2022

MainSelection: 2022
CategorySelection: Holdem 5 to 6 Players Turbo

2022 - Holdem 5 to 6 Players Turbo - $101-$300 - Прибыль
Классификация Игрок Страна Сеть Прибыль
1 MothaGrizzle Global Poker 6398.0
2 tdubz224 Global Poker 5344.0
3 Ice Bank Mice Elf WPN 3952.0
4 PineapplePizza Global Poker 3744.0
5 bbruins13 WPN 3646.0
6 Maz11 WPN 3132.0
7 khhimself WPN 2950.0
8 drPokermarv WPN 2744.0
9 zotyi91 WPN 2664.0
10 PAT80241 Global Poker 2282.0
11 Samobx22 Global Poker 1930.0
12 ElGradiente WPN 1920.0
13 PM22 WPN 1864.0
14 20 comer WPN 1726.0
15 tbart12 Global Poker 1598.0
16 jacifer Global Poker 1512.0
17 GitGud Global Poker 1272.0
18 Michmeister Global Poker 1254.0
19 Opted-Out WPN 1220.0
20 under_the_neon Global Poker 1162.0

2022 - Holdem 5 to 6 Players Turbo - $101-$300 - Подсчет
Классификация Игрок Страна Сеть Подсчет
1 bbruins13 WPN 554.0
2 jaredpoker Global Poker 434.0
3 player160616 WPN 325.0
4 PAT80241 Global Poker 323.0
5 fishchops WPN 291.0
6 MothaGrizzle Global Poker 236.0
7 khhimself WPN 235.0
8 Randomizer8 WPN 212.0
9 tbart12 Global Poker 200.0
10 Maz11 WPN 186.0
11 UrNoJedi Global Poker 157.0
12 Ice Bank Mice Elf WPN 142.0
13 5HTP WPN 138.0
14 GETNFANCEY Global Poker 129.0
15 Opted-Out Global Poker 111.0
16 Michmeister Global Poker 99.0
17 PatePate WPN 93.0
18 Viroforti WPN 90.0
19 6betj7 Global Poker 88.0
20 zotyi91 WPN 87.0

2022 - Holdem 5 to 6 Players Turbo - $101-$300 - Лучшие 500 стриков
Классификация Игрок Страна Сеть Лучшие 500 стриков
1 bbruins13 WPN 11.12

2022 - Holdem 5 to 6 Players Turbo - $101-$300 - Лучшие 100 стриков
Классификация Игрок Страна Сеть Лучшие 100 стриков
1 MothaGrizzle Global Poker 72.7
2 bbruins13 WPN 58.44
3 Ice Bank Mice Elf WPN 46.78
4 Maz11 WPN 44.1
5 PAT80241 Global Poker 38.08
6 GETNFANCEY Global Poker 36.34
7 khhimself WPN 30.84
8 tbart12 Global Poker 27.58
9 player160616 WPN 25.88
10 fishchops WPN 24.64
11 Randomizer8 WPN 19.32
12 UrNoJedi Global Poker 13.24
13 jaredpoker Global Poker 13.18
14 Opted-Out Global Poker 8.86